Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Harvest of the Season - Peas

There's nothing like the sweet crunchy taste of fresh peas right off the vine. For the first time, I've been able to grow peas this year. Every year so far, they were stringy, weak, dying. This year, I think I sowed the peas at the right time of year, when it was still cool, and the rest of the season has been cool too.

Here's how my train of pea plants look now,
being pulled quite gamely by a polka-dotted ladybug

My first "bushel" of peas from the garden
Shucked and shelled...
Plus a handful of young lettuce leaves

Together, they make a good meal of quinoa salad:
 with peas, lettuce, and mint - quite summery!


  1. Not only does it look summery but also so so fresh. I can almost taste your meal in the pictures. Beautiful bowl as well!

    1. Thanks Don! Nothing like making a meal out of home-grown produce!
